Thank you so much to the 43 people who responded to my giveaway and question as to a fair price for my original milk painted trunk! The answers ranged from $45 to $425 with an average of $200. It's rare to find a trunk like this in the Chicago area, but if/when you do I think they are going for about $300. So now would you like to know how much I spent???
Well, when I looked at the price tag I almost hyperventilated when I saw it was $35! I was trying to keep my cool, when the owner approached. She said that she really needed to find a new home for it, so she would let me have it for $10! It was all I could do not to faint on the spot!!! And my husband still thinks that I spent too much! LOL! He really doesn't get it... he loves antiques, but says it just looks like someone took some old wood in the garage and hammered it together to create a box to hold tools. And I say, Exactly! A make do!
Well, the winner of this month's give away is...
Penny of the blog, Little Pen Pen. I just love the dachshund in her blog banner :)
Be sure and check back early next month for my Christmas Give Away! I have plans for it already :)
Recently I picked up another treasure at a local Estate Sale:
And I'll leave you with a picture of my Thanksgiving mantle:
I made a little maple leaf garland and more candle rings. They are about a week old and starting to curl and dry... The best part is they don't need to be packed away, just mulched and recreated next year. The beautiful paper cutting on the left is by Beth Twist of Heartstring Samplery. She mentioned on her blog that she is papercutting again and I just can't wait to see!
If you will be in the Bartlett, Illinois area this weekend, my sister-in-law is having her annual craft show and bake sale. (I'm baking my mom's famous melt-in-your-mouth sugar cookies as we speak.) Just drop me a note at and I will send you the address and directions. The show will be on Saturday, November 19th from 12 - 3, but come early ~ she usually sells out!
"I will praise God’s name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving."
and glorify him with thanksgiving."
~Psalm 69:30
Blessings, Patti
I like the "thankful" stitched piece in your header picture.
What a thrill to get that trunk for such a great price! I love that! Congrats to the winner! You've got another great find in that penny rug. I'm currently wanting to begin a larger penny rug. That one is inspiring!
$10!!! Wow! Heaven really smiled upon you that day : ) Congratulations to Penny for winning the drawing! Blessings, Shirlee
I hope hubby was joking when he said you paid too much! I can't believe no one had snapped it up at $35! I love your leaf garland--so simple and pretty! Good luck at your sister's show. ~Roberta
TEN DOLLARS! I would hyperventilate too! And my husband would have the same reaction as yours. They just don't know the value of a nice, original Robin's Egg Blue for making our hearts happy, do they?
$10!!! No way!! Oh you lucky, lucky, duck you!!! Love your new ruglet too - looks like amazing workmanship - and so unusual to find them in that condition. Congratulations to the winner of your sweet little pillow - and thank you, Patti, for another awesome giveaway....Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Patti, what a find ! I can't believe you only paid $10 for it.I need to go shopping with you! You always find the neatest things.
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