When I saw this antique trunk with original blue milk paint my heart skipped a beat!
I was in love :)
My husband is an antique collector, but just doesn't get primitives. My boys really don't get it either. But they all relented and let me put it in my place of choice - in front of the couch in the family room. After a day or so they realized it needed a pad on top so they could put their feet up on it. I just happened to have a wonderful patched feedsack gifted from my sister-in-law. So I stuffed it and sewed it up. Voila!
Now I have a question for you...
My husband thinks I over paid for it, so I am wondering what you think is a fair price for my trunk? Please post a comment on this post or send me an email at pgagliardi9@hotmail.com with "Trunk" in the subject line.
Next Wednesday, November 16th, I'll pick a random winner for:
On Friday, my sister and I are heading to central Illinois for the primitives shows! I can't wait! If I find lots of goodies, maybe I'll throw in a treasure or two with the pillow ;)
Is anyone else heading to Arthur & Arcola?
Blessings, Patti
Love that trunk!! I would think it would have cost about $175 - $200 - but could have been more depending on where you bought it. The "pad" looks great too.
Wish I could go to the Primitive shows you are going to - but I am going to the Christmas Open House in Spring Green on Friday and to some other shops on Saturday that are in Lodi and Pardeeville.
I think around $100 dollars would be a good price for that stunning piece, although here in New England it would probably go for considerably more.
What a beautiful piece. I love anything with the original paint. I have several pieces myself. I live in Canada and at a good antique show your trunk would go for around $350.00. I love the pillow, please enter me in your Giveaway. Stop by sometime I have lots of pictures of my painted pieces on my blog.
Wonderful treasure ! The trunk is perfect for the living room. No idea the cost. Has been a while since I went antique hunting. I'd guess at $75. Thanks for the giveaway!
What an awesome trunk! I love the blue color ~ I'm no good at prices so I won't even try to guess. But I'm sure whatever you paid for it was ok because it's AWESOME! :) Have a great rest of your week!
I'm in New England and it would go for about $250 I would think. Depends on the town you buy it in! It's a beauty!
Hmmm I'll say $75. I love the color.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I LOVE that trunk! I purchased one similar to that but very small ... maybe 2'x1' or just a tad larger. It has reddish milk paint & is in similar condition. I paid $40 for it. I would've paid up to $300 for that trunk of yours! Please do include me in your giveaway. I love the pillow & you do such beautiful work : ) Blessings, Shirlee
What a great trunk! I would have bought the trunk for at least
$125. But whatever you paid is well worth it. It is old and very prim. Just the way I like things.
I LOVE the angel pillow and would love to enter your giveaway. Thank you!
Hi, Patti ~ First let me say how wonderful your trunk looks in your family room & the guys get their comfort too with the old pad on top. It looks great with your furniture. I'm guessing about $300.00 since it has original blue paint but it could have been more. I love blue so I know I would easily have paid that much. Most of our home is done in blues. Please include me in your giveaway. Thanks so much.
This trunk is great. I would think you paid $250 for it, which I think is a steal.
Prices can be so variable depending on where you buy it and who priced it. I would say about $75 would be the price I would see it in my area. Would love to win the pillow.
Love your blue trunk. I think around $75-100 is usual for something like that. I wish my sis lived closer so we could take off antiquing all the time...lucky gal. Have fun!
What a fun postPatti. Your blue chest is prim and lovely. I think a fair price would be around $130-$140. You love it so it was worth what you paid. You'll get enjoyment from it every time you sit down in front of it. That's the best part, acquiring things you love and appreciate.
Hi Patti! I just love your new trunk and the pad looks so wonderful on top! I have a weakness for blue also!! My friends at the Simple Goods show were selling an old blue New England tool box for $225.00. It was skinnier/smaller but looks similar (you can sort of see it on my blog post with them behind it.) That seemed like a good price to me. If you love it, then it was worth it!
Have fun this weekend!
Warm hugs ~ Jenn
I am a cheap skate, so not good at pricing;) If you love it, then it is worth it and I think it looks beautiful in your living room. Here chests can go from 50 to a few hundred, depending on the condition. Original blue is hard to get and yours is in really nice shape.
What a beautiful trunk and the color is gorgeous! I'm not to good at pricing...I think $100 would be a fare price in my area. You picked the perfect spot to place it. Love the pad on the top.
Hi Patti!
Those original painted lovelies have been known to be rather pricey. I am guessing it could have been priced between $300 and $400.
I love it!
No matter what the cost, if it makes your heart sing it was worth it!
Have a great day!
Gorgeous trunk Patti!!! Oh - that blue is just dreamy!! And I LOVE your little grain sack topper - PERFECT!! Hmmmm - price??? Well - as the others before me have said....depends on the area you're in and the venue at which it was purchased (antique show/antique shop/auction, etc.) - but I'd say $225 is what it'd go for at an antique shop in these parts (although I'd try to talk them down to $175....) ;o) In any event - if you love it, it was worth it....Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunity! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Love the trunk, Patti! Don't feel bad, my husband and children don't get my love for primitives either! Anyway...I think the trunk probably would have cost between $100 and $200..especially because of the beautiful blue. I love the pad you placed on top and your couch matches perfectly!
My husband doesn't get primitives either, but I love them. The color is wonderful, I would say the price would be around $250. Lucky you for getting it. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely gorgeous trunk, if it took your breath away and would have mine, it's priceless, but if you actually had to pay for it, $225. Love the color and fits perfectly with your decor. Would love to win your beautiful pillow.
Nancy in MT
Your trunk looks great there. Isn't it fantastic when you find something that just looks and fits perfect? I'm guessing $150.00 but I always guess low. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think it would be about $275.00 I love primitive pieces with paint what a great find!!!
Kelly S
Wow. I am SO cheap. And since I only have one place locally with very few primitive pieces, I would not be a good estimator! If it's a good deal but you don't love it, it's wasted money. If you love it and it makes you smile, it's a great deal and money well spent.
Love the blue trunk! I'd guess $120 & would love to win anything you make! The pillow's so pretty & since I love angels, she would fit right in! Thanks for the chance!
Love the Trunk and no matter what you paid for it...if you love it then it was a good deal. I live about 25 miles from Arthur..I will be in the small craft sale in Strausburg (not far from Arthur) and wish I could meet up with you but guess it won't happen this time. Where do you live and is it far for you to Arthur? The trunk looks awesome..wish I had more room for more things I Love:) You did good
oh my that trunk is to die for!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!
I would guess it would fetch 400.00! love the give away!!!
I think several hundred dollars but if you really love an item - no price within reason is too high.
Looks great in your setting.
Charlotte S. -no blog
looked at all the comments and the prices are all over my guess 150.00if you love it thats all that matters love the pillow enter me in your drawing
You fell in love with the trunk, with the right color, patina and where you were going to put it. My logic is your worth it and you can NEVER get one this awesome in a furniture store. Great FIND! I say you SCORED! I have at least 5 of these trunks in my porch, hall and living room. You lucky Girl :0)
Karin E:)
I'm guessing $45 for the trunk. That is close to what was paid for one here lately. I think it goes great with the couches, so it was worth whatever you paid. :) Thanks for adding my name to your drawing. I am giving away a free Thanksgiving pattern over on my blog, too. Come on over and see.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wonderful piece, I love the original blue paint color. Here in New England I am sure this would fetch a pretty penny, however I am going with a $110 price tag. The pillow tops it off perfectly. Greetings from Maine, Julie.
Hi Patti~
I'm going to guess around $200 for that blue beauty. I love anything old & blue. If you love it, the price doesn't matter. My hubby doesn't get primitives either, but his chest sure puffs up when we get a compliment on our home. I would love to be entered to win your beautiful pillow.
Have a wonderful weekend~Becky
Whatever the cost, I'm sure it was worth it. I love the color, too!!! I have an old trunk in storage that I hope to bring back into my house soon. We bought it approx. 20 years ago and paid $225 and everyone told us we paid too much. LOL
I haven't heard of "FOLK" magazine until I saw your blog - so I just subscribed to it. I sent an email to them asking how to buy the Christmas issue so hope to have that too - thanks for sharing.
Went to SG to the Open House, Barb & Alma were there and we told them about Yore so we also saw them there. Someone said Maggie was there too but I didn't see her. Nice of them to come and support Jeanne.
I have no idea - $150??? But I have learned never to ask my husband what he thinks I paid for a bargain. I think it was the reply "If you paid more than $1 you were taken to the cleaners!!!"
That took the 'bargain high' right out of the room!!!
doni @ Oregon coast
Patti, I agree with the others that if you love it, whatever you paid was worth it. I know anything with original paint is going to be more. I have a green trunk that about the same size in my living room and I think I paid around $325 for it at a local primitive show. If you bought a coffee table you couldn't get it for any less and would probably have to pay a lot more.
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