Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

You know it is really cold outside when the Chicago River is steaming!
It was below zero last night and our high was 9, not counting wind chills.
I think that it will be a good weekend to stay inside and finish some projects.

The TDIPT Mercantile February 1st update will be here before I know it.

I've started quite a few projects and I think I better start finishing some...

I can't think of anything better than stitching
and watching the Bears vs. Packers game on Sunday!
(Sorry to my Packer friends...)

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
Genesis 8:22

Stay warm this weekend!
Blessings, Patti


nancy huggins said...

Love the Hearts.Nellie said it is very cold in Chicago and it is cold here in central IL also...I am very ready for warmer weather. I think if I hear anyone complain about it being hot this summer I might smack them..My body is so low on vitamin "D" that my Dr gave me a scrip for D vitamin of 5000 units and have to take 1 a week. They said to be careful and not stay out in the sun to long or I could get sun burn..Ha Ha..I should be so lucky to have to worry about the sun coming out. Be sure and hop over to my blog and sign up for my give away:) Have a great week end and stay warm.

Tanya Willis Anderson said...

Patti ~ love those stitchy pics in display. Beautiful. Stay warm - it's soooooo cold!


Deb said...

You're right about staying inside when it's this cold. Get time to get caught up on projects!

TeresaM said...

Love that old quilt fabric!! Can't wait to see your finished pieces!!!