Friday, September 12, 2008

News and more news!

I have only been blogging since the beginning of June. I'm technologically challenged and was not even sure if I would be able to do it, but thought I should at least give it a try. Imagine, a mere three weeks later and I received my first award!

Sweet Cookie of Curds & Whey, who creates dolls as sweet as she is, was so kind to honor me with my very first award - The Arte Y Pico Award! Thank you so much Cookie - it means so much to me!
Betty, the talented artist of primitivebettys sent me this Kreativ Blogger award:
LaDonna, who creates incredible papercuttings at honored me with the Primitive Excellence Award:
Jane, the talented rug hooker of Liberty Homestead Rugs awarded me the Primitive Excellence Award as well:I can't tell you how much each of these awards mean to me! Especially when I look at the source. Each of these women are talented folk artists whom I admire. To think that they believe I am award-worthy in such a short time... WoW! It's overwhelming. Thank you so very much! And when I have a few moments, and can figure out the process, I will pass the awards on to other more deserving bloggers.

Now, my other BIG news! I am very excited to announce that I have been invited to appear as a guest artist for the month of October at...

The Primitive Gathering!

Click here to see more

This gathering of some extremely talented primitive folk artists post their creations for sale on the 1st and 15th of every month! I can't (and won't :-) ) tell you how much money I have spent purchasing their incredible works of art! I treasure each and every one of those pieces!I am so very blessed to have an opportunity to appear with them! I better get stitching in order to create some items that can share the stage with their art!

As I mentioned in my first post:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Phillipians 4:13

Blessings, Patti


Lana Manis said...

That's all wonderful Patti! Congratulations on the awards and I can't wait to see you on The Primitive Gathering!

La Donna Welter said...

Congratulations! You deserve each and every award, that has been awarded to you! I can't wait to see you on The Primitive Gathering!
La Donna

Suzanne said...

Patti!! Congratulations on ALL of your well-deserved awards! AND how wonderful to have your talent on The Primitive Gathering! Looking forward to seeing your offerings!