The New Year also holds the first of the month update of artist offerings at TDIPT Mercantile.
Be sure to stop by and see some lovely winter, Valentine and even springtime offerings.
Thank you for your wonderful response and support his month.
Thank you for your wonderful response and support his month.
I have one boy ice skater needle book still available.
The festivities continue here on Winding Vine. This Saturday we will celebrate Second Christmas, as my boys call it. This is our Christmas celebration for my side of the family with my parents coming in from out of town. Then Sunday is my husband's birthday. Time to wrap a few more presents...
Blessings, Patti
I still need to go find a calendar, haven't seen anything in the local stores that I liked. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family, nice to split it up so you can enjoy both families.
I'm a pen-and-paper girl too. Tried to use an old Palm Pilot once and hated it. My kids will tease me one day, I know, but I think they will also find treasure in the cupboard full of my books.
Second Christmas has a nice, hobbit-ish ring it. My family calls it Newmas. Named so because it is Christmas in the New Year. We will be celebrating our Newmas on Saturday. Then Katie turns 4 on Tuesday, and yet another Christmas will come when my FIL gets out of the hospital (he was admitted on Christmas Eve). Nothing like s t r e t c h i n g the holidays out, eh?
Every year I make a donation to Colonial Williamsburg.They send me a calendar with beautiful photos taken throughout this wonderful living history museum and a years subscription to the Colonial Williamsburg magazine...full of info about all aspects of colonial life. Contributions help the virtual classroom programs reach school children. I look forward to receiving the calendar every year! It's well worth the $35....and the calendar is always wonderful!
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