The talented Betty Dekat, designer of primitivebettys has a weekly blog feature of Friday Finishes, where she shows how others have completed her designs.
I thought that this week I would put my own spin on Friday finishes.
(I do have to mention that the acorn urn above is not yet finished so you are only seeing the "finished" bit of the corner ;)
Linda (UT), a dear online friend, shared this with me:

I just love it. She had seen it on Mothology, but it was out of stock, so her talented husband made it for her - now it's even more special knowing that it was made from the heart!
I was inspired this past week by Mindy of Raymond Homestead.
I knew that I had to do this immediately, so I got Orion and his leash and immediately went for a long walk in search of a branch...
Luckily I found one and didn't need to start pruning a tree lol.
And here is my finish:
And here is my finish:
I thought that it was the perfect way to display my little collection of Schneeman Folk Art birds that had been scattered around my home.
I find myself now drawn to this little corner of the living room to glance at my tree and *smile*.
Mindy asked how my family felt when I dragged a dead branch into the house. I told her that I snuck it in when no one was home and I'm still waiting to see if anyone comments on it. So far no one has ~ I wonder if they are oblivious or they just think that I have lost it!
I'd love to hear about your Friday finishes - leave me a comment and let me know!
Blessings, Patti
Patti... just beautiful! The FOB holder is awesome! The tree branch... well, that is just fabulous!
Have a great weekend dear friend!
Well I'm lovin what I see so far of your wool acorn project! The key holder is a neat idea. I think your tree branch looks awesome! Love your bird collection!
Hi Patti - I'm a new follower of your blog and can't wait to go back through your posts to the very beginning - you do the most awesome stuff! I'm wondering if I might know your friend from UT since I live here too!
Wow - love your "tree" - I make a lot of birds and put them everywhere but maybe I'll find a branch...
Was in Spring Green yesterday and showed Jeanne your blog and all your beautiful pictures.
I get so many ideas with each stop at your blog!
Patti! Patti! Patti! Fabulous, what an inspiration you are. Gotta have a branch now, and find out more about your key fobs. Thanks for sharing your talents!
Great finished project, and you already had that many birds? Good for you! It's just what that corner wanted.
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