My entire life I have wanted a dog.
Unfortunately, I am extremely allergic to them. When I was a child if I just went in a house where a dog lived (even if they weren't there) I would become very congested, have a severe asthma attack, my eyes would swell shut and I would break out in hives from head to toe.
Needless to say, I avoided anyone that owned a dog.
But still every birthday I would wish for a dog.
Luckily, as I've gotten older my allergies and asthma have become a little easier to control. and last month I found an allergy doctor willing to work with my dream of having a dog. I'm currently getting 3 shots twice a week. Eventually they will decrease to once a week and will continue for 3-6 years. It's a small price to pay to finally have a dog.
My youngest son has dreamed of having a pet dachshund since he was a preschooler and has asked constantly ever since (he'll be 13 next month.) Finally our dreams have come true...
Meet Orion.
A 7 year old red dapple miniature dachsund rescue from Midwest Dachshund Rescue.
Our perfect dream dog!
We brought him home last Sunday and I have found that I can't sew, I can't get on the computer, I can't do anything but play and sit with the newest member of our family!
(I think that we are in love :)
He settled in from the moment that we brought him in the door - no accidents, no crying
He settled in from the moment that we brought him in the door - no accidents, no crying
just lots of kisses and playing fetch, lots of long walks and snuggling.
And just in case you think that all he does is sleep...
My allergies/asthma aren't quite under control yet, but I am coping lol.
Thanks for letting me share!
Don't Breed or Buy While the Homeless Die. Adopt a Rescue.
Believe me you won't regret it!
Blessings, Patti
He is so adorable and lucky to have found a home with you. With the joy he brings I'm sure the shots will be well worth it.
He is so sweet! I love him, he looks like my Reese! I bet he's lovin his new home!
oh Patti, I'm tearing up just looking at the pics of the sweet and overly content pup and realizing what a perfect home he has w/ you and your family. Bless your heart, for working so hard and going through so much to be able to have him come live at your house. I'm so glad that dreams are coming true for all, and it makes such a difference for so many.
You are just the type of family any dog and foster mom would be thrilled to cross paths with.
Thank you for adopting and for sharing your story with all of us and helping to spread the word about how wonderful the shelter dogs can be.
I'm be sure to keep checking back to read more about how things are going for you, and I hope the allergy symptoms subside.
What a sweetie! He is such a beautiful dog... and a lucky one too! I hope your doctor can help you with our allergies and that you enjoy your new baby for many years to come! :)
... I meant to say with "your" allergies. although I have them too, lol!
Patti he is precious!! How lucky he is to have you as his new mom!
Congrats Patti on being able to have your dream. He is so adorable and does look right at home. He is probably the perfect dog with your allergies. We always begged for a dog when we were young, but my Mom was allergic too. The doc told her the best dog to get would be a dachshund. So, we finally got our first dog when I was 10. A dachshund names Ginger. She lived to the ripe age of 14 and we adored her. The pics brought back good memories.
I think it is so wonderful that you rescued him. Enjoy and best of luck to the both of you.
I am a dog lover. We have a 14-year-old beagle that we got when she fit in my hand. She is the queen of our house these days! I loved your pictures and I'm just sitting here smiling at your joy and the fact that your pup found a wonderful home.
How exciting! Congratulations on the newest member of your family!
"He is extremely playful, is a terror to his toys and will play fetch for 24 hours straight if you let him."
Ahhhh... The joys of being a doxie owner. Hee-hee, we have one too.
Congratulations on your new furbaby bundle of joy, he is a handsome boy!
I am so happy you are able to experience the love of a dog. They are truly man's (and woman's) best friend. ♥
Orion is precious! My daughter, Olya, and I are HUUUGE animal lovers and we have 2 precious dogs - Maximus, our big 135-pound, 10-year-old Bullmastiff, and Lily, our itty-bitty 4.5 pound, 5-year-old Yorkie! I'm so happy for you and for Orion, who has found a loving home! I hope, with all my heart, that your allergies subside and you can fully enjoy the blessing of loving an animal ~ one of God's most beautiful creations!
What a big event for your family! Good work with the allergies and keep it up! :D
Oh he is adorable ~ My grandma always had dachshunds & they are too sweet!! When I was a little girl she had Hansel & Gretel then for about 15 yrs. or so she went w/o a dog till one Christmas after my Grandpap passed we all decided to get her another, she was furious, for about a week, but he became her best friend until she passed almost 2 yrs. ago. Little Herbie is a brindle & he was a rescue as well, now he is living w/ my uncle still being spoiled :)
I wish you & your family many years of happiness w/ your new "puppy" we rescued our family dog as well & really belive in it!!
As someone who is owned by our own miniature doxie I say you what a special blessing you've brought into your family. Enjoy your new little bundle of joy - he's sure to bring lots of chuckles to your house. I sure hope those shots help you :).
Hugs - Karen
Orion is adorable! I'm glad you can have a dog at last. They bring so much joy and love us unconditionally.
Awww, Orion is adorable Patti. I'm sure he already feels like a member of the family. So happy for your family, and Orion too! :)
We have a little bundle of joy just like your new baby. Our Trinka is such a joy and such an important part of our family. She's soon to be 7 as well (12/20). May have many years of joy that only a dog & especially a dauschund can bring.
"A dog may be your only opportunity in life to pick a family member."
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