This year I was inspired by the sky.
Each view more beautiful than the next.
A bald eagle silhouetted in the fading sunlight.
Renting ATV's from Clam Lake Power Sports in Clam Lake, Wisconsin for a day on the trails in Chequamegon National Forest! Wow! The trails were rugged and challenging for this newbie, but I just loved it! A fun family activity that we could enjoy with our teenage sons. Who knew that I would actually love it and look forward to returning to again next summer!
Here are a few more of my finds... The jar lids, tins and keys are destined for future folk art creations... Isn't this crazy quilt beautiful?! The embroidery work is incredible. It's a cover for a sleeve ironing board. I'm not sure exactly how I will display it, but knew that it had to come home with me. Maybe someday I'll find an antique sleeve board that it will fit.
When I saw this flag, I knew that it was the perfect souvenir from a 4th of July trip.
I also found these lovely Civil War era utensils. Not sure where or how to display, but I just love to hold them, admire their workmanship, and think of the stories that they hold.
Our oldest son has left on a mission trip with 25 youth and adults from our church to the Western Highlands of Guatemala. I know that this will be an incredible opportunity for all, but being a mother I can't help but worry. Prayers are greatly appreciated!
When you have sons, you find yourself doing things that you never planned to do in your life. On this vacation it was...
my interpretation of:
Red Geraniums Table Mat
by Primitive Gatherings
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
~Psalm 19:1-2
Blessings, Patti
Patti, you have some pretty pictures up! I got to hand it to you for doing that geranium pattern. I have that same pattern and I gave up trying to cut out those little flowers. I couldn't get them to look like anything.
I will remember your son in prayer. What a awesome thing he is doing!
my computer lost google reader for 3 weeks
just looked at your last pos
the movie making is fascinating
love the MB table runner and the
little felt mat too
and north woods for vacation
good thoughts for your son from here
Looks like you had a good vacation! Loved your sky pics and this was a good year for them as we have had some incredible weather. Glad you got some finishing in too. Prayers for your son and what a great trip for him. Ready for October and B&B? pam from iowa
Woo-Hoo Go Patti!
Love that shot of you on the ATV.
Beautiful skies and handmades, both, treats for the eyes.
First-prayers for your son. I certainly understand your worry, but what a wonderful thing he is doing.
Your photos are gorgeous they should be framed. It looks as if you came home with treasures and good memories.
Love your photos and your flea market finds. I think the unique
quilted ironing board cover would look great hanging on the wall, if you have a place. It is really pretty.
Happy Stitching!
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