Geranium Baskets
Table Mat
This weekend was the International Quilt Festival in Chicago. I promised myself that I would finish a project purchased at a prior show before attending this one and buying even more projects :) I finished this just in time!
The Quilt show was incredible. I'm partial to traditional quilts, but a few of the modern quilts stopped us in our tracks. The colors and stitchwork above really created an optical illusion.
What a busy home depicted in this quilt. So many details to take in...
Last year this quilter submitted a goat that was so sweet. This little piggy made everyone smile.
We spent most of our time admiring the antique quilt exhibit. These quilts were all created between 1830 and 1900 if I remember correctly.
Aren't they incredible?!
They've clearly been treasured over the years.
The fabrics in the antique quilts are just stunning.
It's interesting the combinations of fabric used.
I think that this one was my favorite. I couldn't get a photo of the full quilt as it was constantly being admired. You can't get the perspective here, but the quilt/applique pieces were tiny.
Of course knowing that this was the last show I did more than my share of shopping at my usual favorite booths:
At the Country Sampler, I bought the new Blackbird Designs book that I've been wanting. And a Stacy Nash kit that I had never seen before - I think it will be a great companion piece to the one that I am stitching now.
At Primitive Gatherings I did some damage to my pocketbook. I LOVE Lisa & Carole's new book and would love to stitch up every wool project in it. I highly recommend this book and couldn't resist buying a few of the kits right away.
The wools in the kits are so beautiful.
I had to buy another geranium table mat... I love the terra cotta pots and the flower petals are teeny tiny.
I bought a few vintage items - some neat metal buttons, a few old wooden spools for a project I have in mind inspired by something I saw, and a wonderful old fabric from a quilt backing.
Then I was so inspired by a new booth that really isn't my usual taste...
It was a feast for the eyes and my creative soul :)
The possibilities are endless for these little felt balls. And I've always had a soft spot for wool!
These little acorns were the clincher - I just knew that I had to make some!
I felt that I did my best to contain myself and not overdo it. And can't wait to have some finshes to show you!
Photos in the vending area were discouraged, but these ladies encouraged it.
What sweet and helpful women, who were wonderful salespeople! After exploring their creative booth, I just wanted to go home and start creating!
We had such a wonderful time!
I did promise myself that I won't start another project until I finish stitching this one and put it together...
I did promise myself that I won't start another project until I finish stitching this one and put it together...
Luckily I am pretty close to finishing the stitching.
Thanks so much for sitting through my blabbing on and on. When you enjoy something so very much you just want to share!
Wishing you a lovely week filled with creativity!
Blessings, Patti
a veritable feast of stitchery
your finishes: mat, carrot. and SN
are inspiring.......i.e. "i want one-i want one!"
love all your purchases too
as always many thanks for sharing your talents & inspiration
now i am off to look up what summer gatherings is all about-
Now THAT's what I call a SUPER show to attend!!! That Summer Gatherings book is AWESEOME! Can't wait to get started on those projects too! Haven't ever seen that Stacy Nash kit either... maybe she made it just for the show? Anyways, now I'll be looking for one! LOL! Happy stitching!
I am drooling! I love felt and wool! Everything is wonderful!
Patti ~
Thank you for shating a wonderful time with us...
I felt like I was at the show with you! ~ for many years I've wanted to attend, ...maybe I'll get the chance next year!
Blessed be~
Thank you for sharing with us such lovely quilts! I am saving my $$ for the new Primitive Gathering book...the Robin and nest one is one that I MUST have as Robin's are my favorite bird :)
Patti ~ How lucky to have been so close to the quilt show all these years! I suppose they would have to kick me out for drooling in front of all those antique quilts!
Your stitcheries are gorgeous. I love the thread colors in the last photo and that carrot with the glass pins is so lovely!
Wow! Neat neat stuff! I just love all the wool things, the little mat you did and the pattern with the geraniums, that looks like a fun one!I bet that was a fun show to attend!
Wow Patti. I love all those goodies, but especially the cross stitch ones, as you know, that is where my heart lies.
Your SN stitchery looks awesome.
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