We had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend. The weather was wonderful and the evenings were filled with more fireflies than I have ever seen. They covered the grass and the flowers and landed on you when standing quietly. Obviously they were celebrating Independence Day with their own fireworks. Unfortunately the evenings were also filled with an abundance of mosquitos.
I forgot to show you the treasures that I just picked up at an estate sale - so perfect for the season:
All three items for $12!
It was a productive weekend for crafting and I was able to finish a few projects:
The stars are made of vintage tickings and reproduction cotton prints.
The freedom pinkeep pillow is a Stacy Nash Primitives design.
Finally, this penny rug mat is my interpretation of a Lyn Hosford Need'l Love design. It hasn't been backed yet and I need to create my fabric tag that I attach to all my penny rugs. I usually write out on vintage ticking: my name, the place where I was when I created it, the year, and something special that was happening while I stitched it or a favorite bible verse. Then I whip stitch it to the backing.
I hope that your holiday was relaxing and productive.
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8
Blessings, Patti