Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Pennies from Heaven ~ Volume 21a

 "Koi Pond" 
by Crane Designs

Just a quick post, but I realized when going through some pictures that I missed sharing some of Mom's finishes - and this one is my favorite!

Mom does such a fabulous job on her embroidery.

I so love the details on the fish!

And the variegated threads on the lily pads.

"Classic Cream"
by Plays With Wool Designs

The design was originally oriented vertically,
but Mom chose to make it horizontal for across the back of a sofa or across the foot of a bed. 
Great idea! 

Mom and I are off to a class with Rebekah L. Smith and a new to us quilt/wool shop!
I am sure that we will have much to share soon!

 And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

~Micah 6:8

Blessings, Patti