Saturday, February 2, 2019

Winter Textile Antiques

I do love winter, but I think that I may be ready for a break.
Between all the snow that we have gotten this year and now the record breaking cold, I am ready to move on. I thought I would share a few antiques before I pack them away for another year.

I think that I have shared this punch rug before, but I love it so.

Last year I bought this large hooked rug at an estate sale.
It was rather dirty and dusty, so I used the snow technique to clean it.
With fresh frozen snow, cover it and gently rub it in. I let it sit for about an hour and then used a whisk broom to brush all the snow off. It works wonderfully and the rug never gets wet.

I love how it looks over the couch in our home office.
This stays out all year.
I don't have the heart to pack it away :)

I bought this punch needle at a different estate sale and also cleaned it in the snow.
It's still a bit stained, but I don't mind.

My last piece isn't a textile, but a sweet oil painting. 
What you can't tell from this picture is its diminutive size

So precious at only 4 by 6 inches.

*sigh* maybe I'm not ready for Winter to go after all, it's hard to pack these treasures away ;)
Your servant rejoices,
    because, Lord, I set my hope on you.
Indeed you, Lord, are kind and forgiving,
    overflowing with gracious love to everyone who calls on you.
~Psalm 86:4-5

Blessings, Patti


  1. For someone who has not seen snow up close and personal for many, many years, I enjoyed your wonderful finds immensely. Thanks for the "snow day".
    Stay warm...thought of you when I saw frozen Chicago on the news. Yikes and brrrrrr!

  2. Thanks for the tip on cleaning rugs with fresh snow! Love your Winter rugs too! Janice

  3. Although I am not a fan of winter (yeah, why I live where I do is a mystery to me too), I did enjoy seeing your winter treasures. You have a beautiful collection of textiles...and that painting is too sweet. Hope you’re warming up as we are....but without the fog, freezing rain and ice. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Great Winter treasures.
    Love all of those houses!

  5. Très beaux ces paysages bravo j'adore la neige bon dimanche Genevieve de France

  6. Such beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing!


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