Monday, February 11, 2019

A great big finish for 2019!

"Snowy Days"
design by Heart to Hand

It's finished!
It was only 6 years in the making...

It's hard to take pictures this time of year 
between the short days and lack of sunlight.

I love all the different background wools.

I'm so happy with it. 
I'll be putting it away for next winter - but it will be a nice surprise to pull it out all finished then.

I love the brushed flannel that I chose for the the backing and the brushed cotton binding with a subtle stripe.

And here is Mom's version that I shared last year. 
She finished hers in about a month rather than 6 years lol!

Leia had to bring her toy Lambchop over right away to see my finish.

When I asked if she could please move, she ran right over to her brother for a snuggle 

and a nap.

I'm glad I picked a smaller project to finish up for February. :)

Teach me your ways, Lord,
    that I may walk in your truth;
        let me wholeheartedly revere your name.
~Psalm 86:11

Blessings, Patti


  1. That is a wonderful quilt and a fun design.


  2. Your finish is amazing! I love, love, love the fabric choices and subdued colors. I really like your tag too...that will be such a treasure for the generations to come. And 6 years only??? Hmmm....I’m thinking you would still have a quicker finish than I ever would LOL. Sweet, sweet pups....what precious snuggles. Hope your week is off to a great start.... Smiles & Monday Hugs ~ Robin (PS...I LOVE the hearts in your header photo!!!!)

  3. Congrats on your finish. it's beautiful!
    Leia must think it's for her, so sweet!
    Cute puppies.

  4. This is a wonderful design and your finishing is GREAT. Love the name plate - Perfect.

  5. Bravo pour ce magnifique travail Leia a bon goût elle sait apprécier le travail de sa maitresse belle journée Geneviève de France

  6. This is so pretty. Your dogs are precious. We have a Yorkie.

  7. Beautiful finish! It may have taken 6 years, but it was worth it. I also love what you have written on your label.
    Sweet, sweet pups. They bring so much joy to our lives!

  8. They are so adorable and Leia looks like she likes your finish too! Janice


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