Tuesday, January 22, 2019

First finish of 2019!

My first finish for 2019!
"Little Red Barn" & "Grandpa's Pick-up"
by Little House Needleworks
part of the Farmhouse Christmas series

and appropriate as my Dad's last car was a red pick-up :)

My finish was inspired by Priscilla of The Real Housewives of Cross Stitch.
Thanks Priscilla!

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw me post my progress.

I only changed one color - for a darker green.

And this is where it lives in our mudroom entryway.

I think it looks so nice with my Schneeman bird wreath.

My first completion from #stitchfrommystash!

I also finished a block for "Snowy Days" by Heart to Hand

And I am making good progress on my Prairie Schooler project too.
I hope to fully finish this next weekend.

We had a lot of snow last weekend and then went into the deep freeze with single digit temps and wind chills below zero. Leia is always cold once it gets below 60, but Peanut usually doesn't mind

Although he is beginning to burrow whenever he has the chance!

“Stop judging, so that you won’t be judged, because the way that you judge others will be the way that you will be judged, and you will be evaluated by the standard with which you evaluate others.
~Matthew 7:1-2

Blessings, Patti


  1. You take care Patti! My daughter lives in Old Town Chicago and is suffering along with you! This cold is really hard if you have little ones like she has. Love the cross stitch! Need a better shot of your wreath!

  2. Love your projects, they are all beautiful.
    I love the look of cross stitch pieces, haven't done it in ages.


  3. Ooooo...love your Little Red Barn and Granpa’s Pick-up piece!! Great finish to start t he year off with. I actually postponed taking my “Christmas” down to take care of some long-overdue finishes (hey were stitched, punched, etc but not finished finished, ya know? It felt so good to start the new year off with taking care of old business LOL... Stay safe and warm...your pups have the right idea. We had a bit of snow today, but will be plunging blow 0 for highs in the next day or so...then more snow. Hello? Can we fast forward to summer LOL? Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Great projects.
    Gotta love that Snowman block!

  5. I love your finish for the LHN duo. And I have the same Nikki's Noteable bag which I love seeing each day in my basket. Great finishes!

  6. Such lovely colors in your stitching. Blessings.

  7. These are adorable Patti. You do such great work! Janice

  8. De superbes finitions ton entrée est très belle et accueillante, j'aime aussi beaucoup le snowman bravo Patti Leia est amusante dans son pull belle journée Geneviève from France

  9. Beautiful projects ! And, I love your 'Snow' pillow in your top banner !


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